Oct 29, 2017
Welcome back to Maid of Steel! While Scarlet Cougar is taking PTO, I've recruited fellow GSM Podcaster John (aka The Substitute) to join me on this installment of the podcast. Hopefully that helps explain why this podcast is coming to you so late in the week, and I do apologize for that. You may recognize John...
Oct 22, 2017
Welcome back to Maid of Steel! This is a podcast dedicated to the CW TV series Supergirl and this week we're jumping into the psychedelic action with Season 3 Episode 2 "Triggers", featuring the DC and well-known Supergirl villain Psi, aka Gayle Marsh. Psi was portrayed by Yael Grobglas, an actress whom I, for one,...
Oct 16, 2017
It has been five months since we last checked in with our Superheroes and a lot has transpired. No matter which Earth you are on, our beloved characters are suffering consequences. Crime is down but suffering is up as we pick up their stories. Read More....
The post Face The Consequences appeared first on Golden Spiral...
Oct 13, 2017
When not even the mention of potstickers can rouse Kara from her grief, it takes a monumental save of the city to finally knock some sense into her in the Supergirl season premiere. We get off to a fast start as questions of foes and friends arise immediately in the faces of old and new characters alike. Read...