Jan 29, 2020
"Back From The Future Part One" brings us up to speed on the last two years of Winn Schott's life in the future and reveals the hero that he has become amongst the Legion. We also get further insight into how things are shaping up in this post-Crisis Earth Prime and how Lex Luthor is bent on finding out all he can...
Jan 22, 2020
Lex Luthor is the Man of Tomorrow and he is controlling everything today. He is the head of the DEO and many think he is a hero. Only a select few know the truth. Not many could have their memories restored by J’onn J’onzz. He warned that restoring everyone’s memories would cause irreparable damage.
We discover...
Jan 19, 2020
Loss is hard. How do you even begin to mourn an entire universe? Our Paragons must pick up the pieces of their shattered lives and find a way out. They are trapped in the Vanishing Point with a super villain. On a positive note Lex Luthor has a brilliant, albeit dangerous mind. Maybe his scheming can help them...
Jan 19, 2020
We have heard from the Paragons of Podcasting. Now it is time to hear from you. The Heroes of historical facts of Supergirl’s past episodes. The Superfriends that keep the conversation going all week long. Silver Vox and Green Butterfly appreciate you so much. There will always be a seat at the table for you. We are...
Jan 8, 2020
There is just nothing left. The Paragons stand alone in the darkness. They are on the Vanishing Point and there is nothing left. There is no family, no friends, and no Earth. How can a universe that stretched infinitely be reduced to nothing? How can they bring all they love back from crisis? How can they do...